Background: Drill availability is a major limitation in developing countries, where surgeons turn to using manual hand-crank drills to perform surgeries. A common hardware drill equipped with a waterproof, sterilizable fabric cover provides a cost-effective solution in the operating room.
Objective: Develop, conduct, and analyze a study to quantify the drilling performance of the drill cover solution and compare it against a commercial surgical drill and a manual hand-crank drill.
Abstract: Surgical Device Innovation for Low-Resource Settings: An Alternative for Bone Drilling
Company: Arbutus Medical
The Drill Cover Solution
From the Arbutus Medical product page:
The DrillCover Hex is a sterilizable and reusable fully-sealed barrier that transforms a hardware drill into surgical grade drill. Our kit includes a drill and cover to provide the precision, sterility, and adaptability needed in low-resource settings.
The User Study
Owing to limited access to surgical power drills, orthopedic surgeons in low-resource settings commonly use manual drills or nonsterile hardware drills. We propose the use of a drill cover solution: a sterilizable fabric bag plus sealed surgical chuck adaptor to permit the safe use of hardware drills for orthopedic surgery.
The purpose of this study was to compare the drilling performance of covered hardware drills with manual drills and standard surgical power drills.

Method to easily measure the plunge depth through the surrogate bone. The platform moves down as the drill bit pushes against it. The calipers measure the resulting depth.

Comparison of hole quality. A well drilled hole face (left) compared to two holes drilled off axis (right).
Product photos by Masashi Karasawa