Background: When a hard boiled egg is spun on a table, it rotates freely since the inside is completely solid. With a raw egg, the liquid yolk sloshes around and resists rotation. By using math and physics, we can analyze the rotational oscillation of an egg and determine the yolk consistency.
“If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing.” - Jaime Hyneman
Objective: Design and build a device to determine how cooked a boiled egg is using non-invasive techniques.
Motivation: As part of our final year engineering course, we were tasked to create a mechatronics device of our choosing. This project was heavily inspired by Matthias Wandel and his boiled egg hardness tester.
Functional Requirements:
- Measure egg mass from strain gauge
- Measure oscillation from accelerometer
- Control LCD screen
- Mechanical design and fabrication
- Integration and user interaction study
- C# interface
- MATLAB data analysis
Limitations: This prototype was developed in 3 weeks during school and has approximately 80% repeatability.
Partner: Justin Liang
Sixty second demo video of the device in action.
Interested in reading more about this project? Head over to Instructables for more details! And if you’re really interested, feel free to read our glorious 35-page final report [here](/files/MECH 423 Final Project Report.pdf).